We always try aim to deliver a full response within 5 working days or less.
Should you need immediate / urgent help we may be able to deliver much more rapidly, however we will need to consider individual circumstances and advise accordingly (additional fees may be incurred if we have to work out of hours to assist quickly).
First please rest assured that we wont charge you if there is nothing we can do! If there is a better or more cost effective option available to you - WE WILL TELL YOU!
Our professional objection letter writing services are charged at a fixed price of just £775. This equates to around 5 hours of professional consultancy - spent researching the application, planning policy and writing a letter for you (although we often spend longer than this at no extra cost!) For major applications or complex / contentious matters we will discuss other options with you as - in some circumstances a simple letter on its own may not do the job that you need it to... I want to object to a planning application - but I don't want to fall out with the applicant!7/6/2017 What should I do?Most planning authorities will consider any special circumstance relating to keeping personal details sensitive. For example, in this case, where there is action being taken by one or other of the people involved / affected - the identity and address of the objector can be kept secret from the applicant and off the public record...
Won't the Council take my needs into consideration anyway?That's the £64,000 question! In principle all Councils should represent the present and future needs of local communities. However there is no guarantee that they will take your point of view into consideration - especially when they don't know your point of view!
This is a complex question issue as every application is different. However the following is a broad list of opportunities which can be put forward as the basis for objection. This list is neither definitive, nor 'recommended'. Please don't simply copy and paste this list into objection correspondence - this won't help your case!
If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide the expert assistance you need to ensure the issue is confronted with maximum impact... Can't we just get them to object for us?Parish Councils (and Town Councils for that matter) are typically made up of elected (or occasionally co-opted) lay people who represent a broad cross section of the local community and the interests of the whole 'parish' area. In planning terms it is regrettable to say...
Please feel free to ask any question to which you would like an answer by using the form below.
NB: We will be unable to answer site or application specific queries though this page. you can always contact us if you need specific or urgent professional advice. |