If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide swift, expert assistance to ensure the issues are confronted with maximum impact in as short a time-frame as possible. Why not send us an enquiry to see what we can do for you? Or you may be interested in our e-book which will provide helpful advice.
Its not just neighbours that can object... It's anyone!
We get approached a great deal by tenants and leaseholders asking is they can object to a planning application submitted by a landlord / freeholder or occasionally other leaseholders.
In short ANYONE can object to a planning application.
Needless to say the key issue is not who, but HOW to object - particularly if you don't want to be thrown out on your ear!
There are certain legal and procedural requirements to planning applications that may affect tenants and leaseholders. Certain notices must be given to anyone that has an interest in a property (such as owners, free-holders, lease-holders or some tenants) and particularly those with a tenancy of >7 years in duration. If these haven't been served correctly - you may have a great opportunity to buy yourself some time!
We strongly recommend that you seek for advice on such matters - as with so many things, there are correct ways and incorrect ways to handle these issues.
If you don't wish to hire a professional in the first instance - that's fine - instead why not approach the Citizens Advice Bureau for advice in the first instance. You may wish to download our cheat sheet or a copy of our guide to objecting (and please be mindful that time is not on your side!).
In short ANYONE can object to a planning application.
Needless to say the key issue is not who, but HOW to object - particularly if you don't want to be thrown out on your ear!
There are certain legal and procedural requirements to planning applications that may affect tenants and leaseholders. Certain notices must be given to anyone that has an interest in a property (such as owners, free-holders, lease-holders or some tenants) and particularly those with a tenancy of >7 years in duration. If these haven't been served correctly - you may have a great opportunity to buy yourself some time!
We strongly recommend that you seek for advice on such matters - as with so many things, there are correct ways and incorrect ways to handle these issues.
If you don't wish to hire a professional in the first instance - that's fine - instead why not approach the Citizens Advice Bureau for advice in the first instance. You may wish to download our cheat sheet or a copy of our guide to objecting (and please be mindful that time is not on your side!).
If you have tenancy related concerns or general objection(s) to a planning application - you may benefit from professional help and advice
If so, why not contact us for assistance?
If so, why not contact us for assistance?