What are 'valid reasons'?
This is a complex question issue as every application is different. However the following is a broad list of opportunities which can be put forward as the basis for objection. This list is neither definitive, nor 'recommended'. Please don't simply copy and paste this list into your objection correspondence - this really won't help your case!
If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide the expert assistance you need to ensure the issue is confronted with maximum impact. Why not send us an enquiry to see what we can do for you? Or you may be interested in our e-book which will provide more specific, helpful advice.
Negative effects on amenity (neighbours and community) - particularly due to:
Over-development or overcrowding of the site - particularly where the proposal is out of character in the area.
Negative / adverse visual impact of the development - particularly on the landscape and or locality
Detrimental effect of proposed development on the character of the local area
Design issues - including:
In Conservation Areas - adverse effect of the development on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area or heritage assets within it.
Effect of the development on the setting of a Listed Building
Highway safety - only if supported with detailed and technical evidence
Notwithstanding the above items, the following items will not be taken into account by planning authorities and should not be entered as reasons for objection under any circumstances!
Finally, one of the most popular reasons that people tend to object is, the effect of construction (i.e. dust, noise, nuisance caused by construction traffic etc.). This is not a planning consideration as such and is unlikely to be taken into account.
If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide the expert assistance you need to ensure the issue is confronted with maximum impact. Why not send us an enquiry to see what we can do for you? Or you may be interested in our e-book which will provide more specific, helpful advice.
Negative effects on amenity (neighbours and community) - particularly due to:
- Noise
- Disturbance
- Overlooking & loss of privacy
- Nuisance
- Shading / loss of daylight
Over-development or overcrowding of the site - particularly where the proposal is out of character in the area.
Negative / adverse visual impact of the development - particularly on the landscape and or locality
Detrimental effect of proposed development on the character of the local area
Design issues - including:
- Bulk / massing
- Detailing and materials
- Local design guidance / policy ignored
- Over-bearing / out-of-scale or out of character in terms of appearance
In Conservation Areas - adverse effect of the development on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area or heritage assets within it.
Effect of the development on the setting of a Listed Building
Highway safety - only if supported with detailed and technical evidence
Notwithstanding the above items, the following items will not be taken into account by planning authorities and should not be entered as reasons for objection under any circumstances!
- The applicant's personal circumstances or other private matters
- The applicants ethnic origin, religious beliefs, their sexual orientation, political or other affiliations.
- Boundary disputes or other unresolved civil disputes (unless their cause / content is specifically related to the planning proposal)
- The reason that the applicant is applying for planning permission (e.g. if the applicant has fallen on hard times and will sell the site to the highest bidder to make money)
- Any profit likely to be made (except perhaps in the case of rural exception sites).
- The attitude or behaviour of the applicant or their representatives
- Matters relating to past infractions, such as previous nuisances caused by the applicant or site occupiers. (Except perhaps in retrospective cases)
- Worries or hearsay about possible future expansion or alternative uses of the application site - unless future plans are included in the application documentation.
- Effect on the value of properties in the area - particularly you own!
Finally, one of the most popular reasons that people tend to object is, the effect of construction (i.e. dust, noise, nuisance caused by construction traffic etc.). This is not a planning consideration as such and is unlikely to be taken into account.
If you need professional assistance to object to a planning application - contact us without delay!