If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide swift, expert assistance to ensure the issues are confronted with maximum impact in as short a time-frame as possible. Why not send us an enquiry to see what we can do for you? Or you may be interested in our e-book which will provide helpful advice. If you need advice on community strategy - we can help there too...
Quality - Not necessarily Quantity...
While it is possible for a large number of objections to be submitted - it is important that they contain valid reasons in the first place... otherwise they simply may not be counted. Likewise petitions may be null and void if they are badly constructed.
However, generally speaking 5 - 10 good objections are often enough to get an application 'called in' to a committee meeting for councillors to decide (although this does differ between local authorities). Otherwise a case officer (with management supervision) may make a decision under 'delegated powers'.
Where multiple valid objections are received by a planning authority, this can be enough to convince a planning officer to refuse an application - however you must bear in mind that those objections may have insufficient weight to give him / her the ability to refuse an application outright. This is why it is so important to focus on planning policy and objection quality - rather than quantity per se...
However, generally speaking 5 - 10 good objections are often enough to get an application 'called in' to a committee meeting for councillors to decide (although this does differ between local authorities). Otherwise a case officer (with management supervision) may make a decision under 'delegated powers'.
Where multiple valid objections are received by a planning authority, this can be enough to convince a planning officer to refuse an application - however you must bear in mind that those objections may have insufficient weight to give him / her the ability to refuse an application outright. This is why it is so important to focus on planning policy and objection quality - rather than quantity per se...
If you have concerns about an application for planning permission - you may benefit from professional help and advice. Did you know that we can act for individuals, groups and even entire communities... why not contact us for details?