Template letter to object to a planning application?If you're looking for a template or sample letter to object to a planning application, you've come to the right place...
Well... almost! Rather than copying a 'sample letter' or trying to make do with a rehashed rant written by someone else (probably in respect of a completely different planning application), wouldn't it be easier and far more effective if an experienced specialist wrote a bespoke letter for you? ... In the meantime you can get on with the things that matter in life; like the gardening, a round of golf, or a trip to your local pub! |
How to write AN objection:
If you want to write a good quality planning objection letter, the best place to start is with all of the facts;
Next you'll need a basis of objection founded on valid, material reasons for objection. Hearsay, speculation, allegation and rumour need to be completely ignored - focus on the facts and you're half way there!
Then you'll need to know which of the issues that you uncover are most important to achieve the most successful route to objection.
Unless you know where to look, how to search and which pieces of intel. are relevant, all of this research is likely to take many, many hours to complete. Even when you've gathered everything you need - you'll still need to sift through the application documents, check plans, assess planning policy (in many cases valid policy doesn't even properly exist!). You'll need to go through volumes of government legislation and planning case law (not to mention other issues that need addressing too)... It's not an easy or straightforward process...
At least it wasn't!
IObject.co.uk does all of the above for you - we'll break down the complex background of the case into easy to understand, bite sized pieces. We'll advise how likely you are to success in an objection; What you should say; What you shouldn't; How to rally the troops; Where to gain support (for your objection) and how to get maximum exposure with your objection.
Our objection services make it easy for you to write a letter to object to a planning application!
Next you'll need a basis of objection founded on valid, material reasons for objection. Hearsay, speculation, allegation and rumour need to be completely ignored - focus on the facts and you're half way there!
Then you'll need to know which of the issues that you uncover are most important to achieve the most successful route to objection.
Unless you know where to look, how to search and which pieces of intel. are relevant, all of this research is likely to take many, many hours to complete. Even when you've gathered everything you need - you'll still need to sift through the application documents, check plans, assess planning policy (in many cases valid policy doesn't even properly exist!). You'll need to go through volumes of government legislation and planning case law (not to mention other issues that need addressing too)... It's not an easy or straightforward process...
At least it wasn't!
IObject.co.uk does all of the above for you - we'll break down the complex background of the case into easy to understand, bite sized pieces. We'll advise how likely you are to success in an objection; What you should say; What you shouldn't; How to rally the troops; Where to gain support (for your objection) and how to get maximum exposure with your objection.
Our objection services make it easy for you to write a letter to object to a planning application!